Latest NewsBlast in Turkey coal mine

Blast in Turkey coal mine

Blast in Turkey coal mine northern Bartin province the death toll reached 41, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday.

Previous, Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said 58 of the 110 people working in the mine when the blast happened rescued by the teams or got out by themselves.

Soylu also said one miner discharged from the hospital although 10 were still receiving treatment in Bartin and Istanbul.

Authorities said Turkish prosecutors thrown an investigation into the cause of the incident but initial indications that the blast caused by firedamp, a term stating to methane in coal mines.

Energy Minister Fatih Donmez said a fire in the mine largely enclosed but fire isolation and cooling efforts remaining after the incident that took place 350 metres (0.2 miles) below ground.

Read Also: EU online job-seekers tool

In 2014, 301 workers killed in Turkey’s worst-ever mining disaster in the western town of Soma, 350 km (217 miles) south of Istanbul.

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