Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s wife serious allegations against him. The lawyer of Alia Siddiqui, the wife of Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui, accuses her in-laws. He says that the actor and his family denied his client from food, bed and bathroom for bathing last week.
According to Indian media reports, Alia Siddiqui’s lawyer Rizwan Siddiqui has made serious allegations against actor Nawazuddin and his family. Saying that after filing a complaint against his client over a property dispute. They arrested in their house.
They say that Nawazuddin and her family threatened Alia Siddiqui with arrest by the police and called her to the police station every day after sunset.
However, he also says that he does not want to attribute the behavior of the police to her. There is a fact that my client Alia Siddiqui insulted in front of the police officers but no police officer came forward to protect the rights of my client.
The police officer is only questioning his relationship with Nawazuddin Siddiqui and the legal status of his son Yani. The police officers did not take any action even on my client’s written complaint under Section 509 of the IPC.
Accusing the actor and his family of harassment. He says that for the past one week, efforts carries out to ensure that my client leaves his house in any way.
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The part of the house where my client lives with her children is surrounded by male guards and CCTV cameras are install. Apart from this, they are not being provided with food, bed and a bathroom for bathing.