In a recent interview, Virat Kohli had to say that if his wife Anushka Sharma did not support him during difficult times, he would have suffered psychological problems. His wife had seen ups and downs in her showbiz career, due to continuous failures in cricket I used to think negative things in anxiety.
Indian cricket team’s batsman Virat Kohli has made several revelations about the decline and recovery of his performance.
Virat Kohli said that due to poor performance I would have become more nervous and increased my anxiety. Many psychological problems surrounded me, but Anushka taught me to face reality and bravely.
Indian skipper has credited Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma for making him more sensible and patient in life.
Virat Kohli added that Me and Anushka Sharma used to have long talks which gave me courage to get through difficult times, Anushka never gave me false comfort but encouraged me that no situation is forever.
Read also: Shah Rukh Khan met Virat Kohli at IPL
He said that Anushka Sharma herself is well aware of how public pressure can be faced.
It should noted that Kohli, who had a poor performance in the game for 3 years, made a brilliant comeback in the Asia Cup.