Modi replaces India with Bharat on Nameplate at G20 Summit. Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke at the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi during the opening remarks of the G20 Summit.
What’s interesting is that ‘Bharat’ rather than ‘India’ appeared on the nameplate in front of him.
This follows a recent uproar over President Droupadi Murmu’s decision to rename India as opposed to Bharat in the dinner invitations she sent to foreign leaders attending the G20 Summit.
The UN has also stated that once New Delhi has completed the necessary procedures, it will update its records to use “Bharat” for India.
Even though the agenda for the upcoming special parliamentary session not yet made public, this debate has arisen just before it.
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There are rumors that this session may see the name change discussed and approved.
While some BJP members who currently in power have suggested that the name “Bharat” given more weight than the name “India.” Opposition leaders dismissed this idea as a diversion and emphasized that “Bharat” already mentioned in the constitution.