AI Tool crack passwords within minutes. People have benefited from artificial intelligence, but there are also some risks. PassGan is a new AI tool that can crack passwords.
It is different from how people used to manually complete the task. It examines authentic passwords that have previously been exposed.
This speeds up password cracking, but it might also aid malicious individuals.
Tests were conducted to evaluate PassGan’s functionality. They discovered that passwords that are shorter and simpler are simpler to guess.
A month’s worth of passwords were cracked in about 81% of cases, a day’s worth in 71%, an hour’s worth in 65%, and a minute’s worth in 51%.
Even a seven-letter password with capital, lowercase, numeric, and symbolic characters was cracked in just six minutes. Even a password with 13 numbers could be cracked in three minutes.
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Long and complicated passwords are therefore safer. According to experts, it would take five years to decipher a password with nine different characters. This demonstrates how crucial it is to create secure passwords for your online accounts.