Latest NewsImage of Mia Khalifa on Hindu religious festival poster in India

Image of Mia Khalifa on Hindu religious festival poster in India

The photo of the former Lebanese actress of immoral films Mia Khalifa was placed on a banner for a Hindu religious festival in India.

According to Indian media, a controversy arose after the banner appeared in the Kanchipuram district of the state of Tamil Nadu.

According to Indian media, thousands of people participate in this religious ceremony and it lasts for several days.

The anger of Indians also reached a peak after seeing the picture of Mia Khalifa with Hindu deities on the banner in Tamil Nadu.

According to media reports, the image of the former porn actress was altered through computer software or application, and an attempt was made to convert her to Hindu religion.

According to Indian media, the police reached the spot and removed the banner after a commotion broke out in the area.

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