Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is being lauded for wearing a necklace of ‘Fi Amanullah’ design at the Cannes Film Festival in a glamorous outfit and her pictures have gone viral on social media.
The Cannes Festival, the world’s largest film festival, began on May 17 and will run until May 28.
Apart from Deepika Padukone, other Indian actresses will also be seen at the festival, while actresses from other countries besides USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Pakistan will also be seen at the festival.
Deepika Padukone is also part of the Cannes Festival jury this time around, however she was also seen promoting various brands there and all her looks were appreciated but her style, dress and jewelry are being praised.
According to the Indian website Times Now, on the second day of the 75th Cannes Film Festival, Deepika Padukone wore elegant dresses of well-known clothing brands, along with a special necklace made by SabyaSachi.
The necklace worn by the actress was made of pink, green, white and blue diamonds, designed like the ornaments of the queens of ancient India.
The special feature of the necklace worn by Deepika Padukone was that while its design was made according to the ancient Indian traditions, it also reflected the Middle East and especially the Arab culture.
The necklace he wore also had a diamond inlaid with the phrase “Fi Amanullah”, which is why his necklace remained the center of attention of the audience.
While Deepika Padukone’s necklace was appreciated by women, men also appreciated her dress and fashion.
In addition to the aforementioned necklaces and costumes, Deepika Padukone introduced a number of costumes and fashions at the Cannes Festival, which have been a part of Cannes for the past few years.
Deepika Padukone also shared on her Instagram a video made with a necklace of ‘Fi Amanullah’ design while SabyaSachi also shared her photos on her Instagram.
Other social media users also shared photos of the actress’ necklace and praised her fashion.