Bollywood’s Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan’s films including other Khans have been facing failure for the past few years, but now the Indian media has claimed that Aamir Khan’s recently released film ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’ has proved to be the most unsuccessful film of the last 20 years.
According to ‘Times of India’, Lal Singh Chaddha was released on 11th August and earned a mere Rs. 46 crore till 16th August and during the last 6 days its daily earnings dropped by Rs 1-2 crore.
The report said that the weekly earnings of the movie is Rs. 30 crore less than the one-day earnings of Aamir Khan’s 2018 film ‘Thugs of Hindustan’ which earned 75 crores on the first day.
Moreover ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’ is being considered as a failure of all the films released by Aamir Khan in the last twenty years.
Read also: Aamir Khan’s ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’ disappointing Box Office Performance
According to the newspaper, last most unsuccessful film was ‘Mela’ of the actor, which was released in 2000, but ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’ became the most unsuccessful film.
In this regard, ‘Indian Express’ said that the boycott of Aamir Khan’s film is going on across India, due to which 80% of its shows are not being shown.
The report said that if this trend continues for a few more days, his film will be pulled from the theaters and if this happens, then in modern history ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’ will be the first film of a big hero to be released for a very short time.