A British woman is so fond of pakoras that she names her newborn daughter ‘Pakora’.
According to a post share on the British restaurant’s social media page. A customer couple of their restaurant name their recently born daughter after the famous dish of the subcontinent, “Pakora”.
In a post that goes viral on social media, two pictures were shared, one of a newborn baby girl with her name and date of birth written on it.
While in the second picture, there is a bill for an order from this hotel which pay by the girl’s parents.

It can be seen in the bill that the parents, who are fond of eating different types of pakoras. They order four different types of pakoras to celebrate the birth of their daughter.
The order is accompany by a note from the father, which says that my wife loves pakoras.
He names his daughter Pakora after the popular dish of the restaurant.
More than 20,000 likes receive on this post on the restaurant’s social media page. While more than 26,000 users make interesting comments.
A female user said, “During pregnancy, I was fond of eating bananas and watermelons, but thankfully, I was wise enough not to name my child after them.”