Latest NewsAJK: Hijab made mandatory for students & teachers

AJK: Hijab made mandatory for students & teachers

AJK: Hijab made mandatory for students & teachers. The education department of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) has made the hijab compulsory for female students and teachers in co-education institutions.

In the announcement, the AJK education department said. “It saw that the female students and teachers not made to wear hijab in institutions where co-education practiced.

The department directed the administration of all the schools and colleges to ensure the implementation of its orders regarding hijab in “letter and spirit”.

It informed that in case the instructions violated, disciplinary proceedings started “against the heads of the institutions concerned”.

Announcement about Hijab from AJK education department
Announcement about Hijab from AJK education department

Though, not explained in the circular what action taken beside those female students and teachers who do not wear hijab.

Whereas giving the reason behind the circular, the education department’s officers said. That it is saw that heads of the institutions are not implementing the dress code issued by the authorities before.

AJK: Hijab made mandatory for students & teachers. The education officers, yet, could not provide the particulars about the dress code issued before.

The officers called the circular “inner matter” of the office, adding that issued to confirm discipline in the educational intuitions.

AJK Education Minister Dewan Ali Khan Chughtai claimed that the notice issued in line with “Our religion and moral values of our society”.

Read More: Imran Khan challenges PEMRA ban notification

“It [wearing hijab] is the order of Allah and the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him),” he added.

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