Amitabh Bachchan the emperor of Bollywood recently had a complacency which Asim Azhar & Goher Mumtaz have removed with respect.
Today, a video of a child playing cricket is going viral on social media. So much that star actor Amitabh Bachchan also spoke a few words in praise of this child.
While sharing the video of this child on Instagram, Amitabh Bachchan wrote that ‘the future of Indian cricket is in safe hands’.
Pakistani artists went ahead to remove this complacency of Bollywood emperor.
Commenting on the video, Pakistani singer Goher Mumtaz writes that ‘Sir, this child is from Pakistan, a few days ago this video of him was shared on a Pakistani page with his own ID. If you agree to play in each other’s country, then the future of cricket is in our hands, your biggest fan.

A few moments later, singer Asim Azhar also supported singer Goher Mumtaz and said, “Dear Sir your huge fan from Pakistan, as my friend Goher said that this child is Pakistani. But you are definitely right that both the future of the sides is in safe hands, if we can soon bring back the old days. When players from both sides used to play each other in each other’s countries’.
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Other artistes have also commented on this video of Big B and praised the child.