PTI Chairman, former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s wife Bushra Bibi’s letter wrote to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi through lawyers.
In Bushra Bibi’s letter, it states that there is a fear of an operation in Zaman Park on Eid-ul-Fitr. Later, an operation also carried out against the court order.
In the letter, Bushra Bibi has demanded to stop the possible operation. And says that if the operation takes place in Zaman Park, it will referred to the higher courts.
It should noted that Bushra Bibi has written a letter to the Prime Minister and Caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab after the Lahore High Court dismissed the application and fined the lawyer.
The court dismissed Bushra Bibi’s application with fine
Yesterday, the application filed by Bushra Bibi to stop the possible operation in Zaman Park during the Eid holidays dismissed by the Lahore High Court with a fine of Rs 1 lakh.
Justice Tariq Saleem Sheikh of Lahore High Court, while hearing the application, fined lawyer Azhar Siddique 1 lakh rupees.
Ministry of Interior, IG Punjab and FIA made parties in the application.
In the petition filed by Imran Khan’s wife Bushra Bibi, it reported that there would be an operation in Zaman Park during the Eid holidays.
Read also: IHC orders not to harass Imran Khan during Eid
The petition requested that the police be ordered to stop operations at Zaman Park during the Eid holidays