LifestyleExperts say taking selfies has become a public health issue

Experts say taking selfies has become a public health issue

Experts say taking selfies has become a public health issue now a days, citing the tragic death of a young woman four years ago while taking a selfie at a popular beauty spot.

In this regard, experts in Australia analyzed scientific research papers and media reports on selfie deaths and injuries around the world since 2008.

During this research conducted for 13 years, it was revealed that 400 people were infected while taking selfies, including 77 Americans. 

While an important aspect of this is that there is a high possibility of women getting injured or killed while taking selfies. 

Most of these types of female tourists are aged 20, 22 and die from falls or drowning.

According to the new research, taking selfies now should be considered as “public health problem”, selfies are potentially dangerous. Therefore, experts say taking selfies has become a public health issue.

What do psychologists say about selfies?

On the one hand, sharing selfies can boost self-esteem and promote a positive self-image. However, excessive focus on physical appearance and constant comparison with others can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety and depression.

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