Imran Khan urges SC to launch probe into May 9 violence. The previous prime minister and PTI Chairman needs the Supreme Court of Pakistan to takeoff an investigation into May 9 violence, arisen following his arrest in the Al-Qadir Trust case.
Talking to the party workers and supporters, the PTI chief advised them to come out of their homes and gather at a spot in their neighborhood from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm tomorrow (Sunday) with a poster inscribed with “Save Constitution, save the Country”.
The PTI chief renowned that the police stopped him from leaving the Islamabad High Court (IHC) premises although the court granted bail in several cases. “The police wanted to arrest me under MPO [Maintenance of Public Order] outside the courtroom,” he added.
“The country’s democracy is hanging by a thin thread”, Imran Khan said, acclaiming the judiciary for ‘saving democracy’. He insisted the people of Pakistan stand by the judiciary, saying that the ‘mafia was threatening and attacking the courts’.
He additional said that ‘the mafia was attacking the judiciary’ as it was the only difficulty in their ‘corruption’.
Khan pointed out that Nawaz Sharif had ordered an attack on Supreme Court (SC) and kicked out the then Chief Justice. “In the past, Nawaz Sharif destroyed the independent judiciary for the sake of power”, he assumed.
Imran Khan urges SC to launch probe into May 9 violence. He noted that the country’s freedom ends when a self-governing judiciary negotiated, adding that the latter protects the essential rights of the citizens. “The only reason Pakistan not progressed because no rule of law there,” he added.
SC declares Imran Khan’s arrest illegal, release orders issued
Imran Khan went on to say that the 145 cases filed beside him ‘bogus’, admiring the higher judiciary for ‘saving him’ from jailed in fake cases.