Imran Khan’s pre-recorded statement released on media. Imran Khan, the former prime minister, detained by the police after found guilty in the Toshakhana case, and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf released a pre-recorded statement of his on Saturday.
Khan detained following his three-year prison term for unlawfully selling state gifts.
The PTI chairman urged his supporters to “protest peacefully until you get your rights” in his 1:57 minute video statement.
They will have already taken me into custody by the time you hear this statement. I only have one request: don’t just sit at home by yourself. I toil for the future of your family, the nation, and you.
Khan urged his followers not to alarmed by the oppressive actions of the authorities and urged them to demonstrate.
“Kalma’s name used to found Pakistan. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) freed slaves and administered justice to the general populace when he founded the state of Madina.
Additional District and Sessions Judge Humayun Dilawar determined in his order that the charges against the PTI Chairman in the case established as true.
He claimed that the PTI chairman found guilty of corrupt practices for willfully and intentionally concealing the benefits he received from the national exchequer by providing the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) with false information about Toshakhana gifts.
The PTI chairman cheated, the court found, by giving details about gifts he received from Toshakhana that later turned out to be untrue and inaccurate. His dishonesty roven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
The ECP filed the Toshakhana case against Khan for willfully hiding information about the gifts he kept from Toshakhana while serving as prime minister and money from their reported sales.
Two medical boards constituted to examine Imran Khan
On October 21, 2022, the ECP asserted that the PTI chairman had misrepresented and incorrectly declared the gifts, and that he was therefore ineligible for office in accordance with Article 63(1)(p) of the Constitution.
The election commission then filed a petition with a sessions court in the federal capital asking for criminal charges to brought against the PTI chairman for deceiving the ECP.