Former US President Donald Trump call current US President Joe Biden an enemy of the state. Trump says Joe Biden is ‘An enemy of the state’.
The FBI raids Trump’s home in Florida on August 8.
In this regard, former US President Donald Trump, speaking at a protest rally in Pennsylvania. He accuses the current government of such an example of abuse of power by the US not found in history.
Trump says it will bring a reaction like no one has seen before. Biden delivering the most vicious and hateful speech ever made as an American president.
Donald Trump says in an address to supporters that Biden is an enemy of the state, you want to know that, we are trying to save our democracy, the threat to democracy is from the radical left, not from the right.
He further says, the Biden administration use third world tactics in the raid, appointing a highly political magistrate the day before the raid.
“My rights and civil liberties are violate as if our country is third world, raids as if we are a third world nation,” Donald Trump states.
He says that FBI searches my wife’s wardrobes and my 16-year-old son’s room.
The former US president adds that the FBI agents have turned everything upside down.
The FBI and the Department of Justice have become evil monsters.
Donald Trump also says that left-wing extremists, lawyers and the media is controlling FBI and Justice Department.
It should note that the current US President Joe Biden said in his speech that Trump represents extremism which is a threat to the foundations of democracy.