A video from Lady Gaga’s concert is going viral. After a fan threw something on stage and it was stopped before it hit Gaga by an apparently ‘invisible force’.
The singer is presently on the road after kicking off her Chromatic Ball stadium tour last week, preliminary out in Germany on 17 July before caption to the likes of Sweden, the Netherlands and France.
In the clip, Gaga can be seen performing on stage, when an inexplicably large object is thrown towards her.
CONFIRMED: Gaga has an invisible force field that protects her from dangerous objects as shown in the video pic.twitter.com/zSQiF9Me79
— ???????????????????????? (@noah3020) July 18, 2022
Though, as she throws her hand down to her side as part of her dance routine, the item bafflingly changes course, stopping mid-air before dropping to the ground – giving the impression that a force field had protected her.
The bizarre video soon went viral, racking up 3.7 million views, thousands of retweets and more than 100,000 likes as people tried to work out what on earth was going on.
One person asked: “Did she accidentally just reveal she has magic powers?”
Somebody else said: “Lol someone tried to throw something at lady gaga and an invisible shield blocked it.”
A third commented: “That’s honestly freaky but iconic at the same time.”