Meera claims Jab Tak Hai Jaan initially offered to her. Famous Lollywood actress Meera shared her opinions on a variety of topics, including her career and the issues facing Pakistan, while taking part in a private TV program.
Speaking about Bollywood films, Meera publicized that she offered the film “Jab Tak Hai Jaan” before Katrina Kaif, but she couldn’t do it because she didn’t get a London visa.
Meera also revealed that despite receiving numerous offers to appear on the well-known Indian reality show “Bigg Boss,” she declined each one because she was reluctant to take part in them.
When asked, Meera responded that despite her difficult circumstances, leaving her native country is not a viable option for her. Had it been, she would have taken the US citizenship long ago.
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Meera claimed that she doesn’t care about the teasing she endures because of her English language abilities. She considers those who say such things to be ignorant.