Indian actress Rashmika Mandana has broken her silence on her fake video. She says that it is a result of falsehood and misuse of technology. It has caused severe pain.
The 27-year-old actress, who hails from the South Indian state of Karnataka, added that this deepfake video has been circulated online and I am feeling severe mental anguish over it.
Rashmika also appealed to take action against him. It should be noted that this video is circulating on social media.
Rashmika broke her silence on this situation and said that there is a need for people to take up this issue as a community, because now the misuse of technology has started.
Rashmika, who rose to fame by working in Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and Hindi films, expressed her gratitude to her family, friends and well-wishers for the painful situation.
It is to be noted that in the viral video, a British Indian woman dressed in black can be seen inappropriately in an elevator, the woman’s face was made to resemble Rashmika Mandana using artificial intelligence.