Shoaib Akhtar, the former speed star of the Pakistan cricket team, shared a video message to his fans from the hospital bed after knee surgery, saying that He would have been in a wheelchair if he had played for 5 years.
In the video released on Twitter, Shoaib Akhtar said that I have come out of the operation theater, in a 5 to 6-hour operation, both my knees were operated.
Shoaib Akhtar informed the fans about his condition and said that I am in pain, I just need your prayers, I hope that this will be my last surgery.
The former fast bowler said that even after 11 years of retirement, I am still in pain.
Yes, I could played 4, 5 years more but I knew if I played, I would be in a wheelchair, so I have to say goodbye to cricket.
Shoaib Akhtar said that the fast bowling I did in my cricket career. It was a result of which I lost my bones but no matter it’s all for Pakistan and if I get a chance again I will do the same.