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Huge quantity of Panadol tablets recovered from Lahore

Huge quantity of Panadol tablets recovered from Lahore by the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) Punjab on Saturday. Punjab health department spokesperson said that the notice done to cause an artificial shortage of Panadol in Punjab.

Common Habits That Cause Joint Disease

Are you suffering from joint pain? If yes, then...

Benefit of Breast Cancer Drug Enhertu

AstraZeneca said a late-stage trial confirmed the benefit of breast cancer drug Enhertu in patients with an innovative form of the disease who formerly treated with another therapy. AstraZeneca protected partial rights to the Daiichi Sankyo compound three years ago in a deal worth up to $6.9 billion.

Habit to Prevent Diabetes & Heart Disease

Making this a habit to prevent diabetes & heart disease after every meal. A short walk afterward eating can save you from many life-threatening diseases. Research from the University of Limerick in Ireland has revealed that walking for a few minutes subsequently a meal reduces blood sugar and insulin levels.

Laughter reduces unhealthy cholesterol

Laughter has positive effects on a person's health, even...