Mano Animation Studios has announced that Geo Films is our partner in presenting Pakistan’s first and unique hand-made animated film ‘The Glassworker’ across Pakistan.
According to Mano Animation Studios, this partnership marks an important milestone in our journey. As we along with Geo Films bring our captivating story to the screens across Pakistan.
With Geo Films’ commendable expertise and prominent position in the media industry. We are confident that this latest partnership with Mandviwala Entertainment will ensure that ‘The Glassworker’ reaches and inspires audiences across Pakistan. I will be very helpful.
It should be noted that this summer, ‘The Glass Worker’ will be exhibited across Pakistan.
Geo Films has presented many famous and masterpiece movies to its audience before. And the audience has always liked them and encouraged these movies. Geo Films is playing a major role in the revival of Pakistani cinemas.
Speaking to Geo Films, a representative said, “We are excited to present ‘Glassworker’. As it is one of the few projects to create a hand-animated film not only in Pakistan but worldwide. A unique experience is being shared and experienced.
He said that we appreciate the efforts of Usman Riaz and his team who have pleasantly surprised people by creating a hand-drawn animated film, which will be released in the summer of this year.