Pakistani famous actress Sana Javed, who recently made headlines due to her second marriage, once again shared a picture enjoying the swimming pool.
The new post shared by the actress on Instagram shows that she is out somewhere.
Thus, in the picture shared on social media, the actress can be seen sitting alone by the swimming pool in a black suit.
However, in the caption of the above post, he has said a lot without saying anything, just by using emojis.
Sana Javed has used three emojis in her post, including infinity, black heart, and chain links. These emojis are used as a metaphor for immense love or deep love.
It may be recalled that she had earlier shared a beautiful swimming pool scene on her Instagram story sometime after her second marriage, suggesting that the newlyweds were on their honeymoon.
However, looking at the new picture, it is too early to say whether the couple is out on a picnic or it is a past picture that has been shared now.