For the first time in the world, American doctors successfully operated world-first successful brain surgery of a baby in mother’s womb. American doctors successfully operated on the brain of a child in the mother’s womb.
According to foreign media, the child has a malformation of the blood vessels inside the brain, which treated.
According to foreign media, the baby girl was growing normally in her mother’s womb. But at the 30th week, during a routine ultrasound, doctors discovered that there was a malformation of the blood vessels inside her brain.
On March 17, the woman gave birth to a baby girl at 34 weeks after World-first brain surgery. She weighed 4 pounds and 1 ounce and is making a full recovery. She has named Denver Coleman.
According to the American media, the doctors performed this operation in March. The details of which have now been published.
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As per media reports, this condition occurs when the blood vessel that carries blood from the brain to the heart does not develop properly. And the defect results in excessive blood flow can cause of stress on the veins and heart. Which can create health problems.