The record-breaking inflation in the country makes lives difficult for the people.
As money loses its value, household goods cannot be met and the income ends.
Vegetables, spices, oil, ghee have all become expensive, while the prices of fruits have also risen. People are not even able to meet their daily expenses. Hike in petrol prices makes traveling cost high.
Salaried sector going through taught phase as salary does not increase with the increase in prices.
People in different cities are facing severe problems due to inflation.
Expenses are going high and income is going done. Which causes survival difficult.
An ordinary man even can not think to make savings at the end of the month, there is nothing to save. Employers of private sector are closing their business due to the current economic crisis. As businesses making lose instead of profit which is creating unemployment in the country.
Tourism sector has also been severely affected due to inflation.
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The hotel owners of Swat were also worried due to the increase in prices. They say that tourists have stopped coming due to inflation. In this sever economic crisis ultimately public do not have money to bare the cost of tours. It is hard to live, how some one spends on picnic.