Nausheen Shah wants to slap Kangana Ranaut. The Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut’s comments about Pakistan offended Pakistani actress Nausheen Shah vehemently, branding her an “extremist.”
In response to Kangana Ranaut’s comments, Nausheen Shah expressed her desire to slap the “Manikarnika” actress.
She questioned Kangana’s ability to make generalizations about Pakistan. And its institutions without having personal experience there.
She advised Kangana to prioritize her own country. In addition to her acting and directing careers.
She also pointed out that many details about the army and intelligence agencies are classified and not even accessible to Pakistani civilians.
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Kangana Ranaut is well known for her candor and controversial comments, which regularly garner attention and ire. How Kangana will respond to Nausheen Shah’s comments is unknown.