BlogCommon Habits That Cause Joint Disease

Common Habits That Cause Joint Disease

Are you suffering from joint pain? If yes, then you are not alone. In fact, most people suffer from this condition in their fourth and fifth decades of life.

In fact, with aging, the bones also begin to weaken, due to which joint pain makes people its victims.

Usually, this disease occurs as a result of the accumulation of uric acid in the blood.

This uric acid is released as a result of physical processes and is usually dissolved in the blood. Which excreted through the kidneys through the urine.

But when the body has a large amount of it. Once it starts forming, the kidneys fail to get rid of it.

As a result, it starts to form crystals in the joints, causing pain in the joints.

But do you know that even a few common lifestyle habits can make you suffer from joint diseases?

Excess body weight

Your joints connect bones to each other, which is why they are sensitive to heavy loads.

Every 400g increase in body weight increases the stress on the knees by 4 times.

Similarly, the pressure on the back, hips and legs also increases, resulting in discomfort, damage and pain.

Excess body weight also triggers edema, resulting in joint stiffness, pain, and swelling.

Too many text messages

Typing text messages into devices is very common nowadays. But doing it too much can damage the joints of the fingers.

In the same way that looking at the phone with your head tilted is bad for the neck and shoulders. Every inch of head tilt increases the stress on the muscles.

High heels

High heels add to the beauty of women. But the higher the height of the shoes, the more the thigh muscles have to work to keep the knees straight, which results in pain.

According to experts, daily use of high heels increases the risk of bone density.

Fingers cracking

This is a very common habit. It does not cause joint problems but it is better to get rid of this habit.

A study discovered that this habit can lead to swelling of the hands and weakening of the grip.

Heavy bag

Whether it’s a purse, a backpack or a travel bag, too much stuff in them can lead to neck and shoulder pain.

If you carry these bags on only one side of the body. This results in excessive muscle strain and increased stress on the joints.

If you do this every day, your body sends you a message through joint pain.

Misuse of muscles for work Joints pay the price. When you put too much stress on small muscles. So if you’re opening a heavy door, push it with your shoulders instead of your toes.

If you are lifting something heavy from the floor, bend your knees first and rise through strong leg muscles.

Sleeping on the stomach

Sleeping in this way may help reduce the snoring problem, but the body does not get much rest.

Lying on the stomach compresses the spine. Keeping the head in one direction for too long, and all of this increases stress on other joints and muscles.

Avoid stretching

Even if you don’t like yoga, making a stretching routine helps strengthen muscles and tendons.

It also makes them more flexible. Which improves joint mobility and muscle function, all of which are keys to healthy and stable joints.

Weight training

After the age of 40, bone health starts to suffer and they become thinner and can break more easily.

But building muscle through weight training slows the loss of bone mass and stimulates new growth.


Your joints will thank you for giving up the smoking habit.

Nicotine in cigarettes reduces blood flow to the bones and has negative effects on the spine.

Smoking limits the amount of calcium that keeps bones strong. Which also affects the amount of estrogen, a hormone important for bone health.

All of these weaken joints and increase the risk of breaking a hip bone in a fall with age.

Lack of sleep

You might be wondering how lack of sleep can affect your joints. But a study found that people with joint disorders felt more pain after sleepless nights.

One idea is that lack of sleep triggers inflammation in the body and can lead to joint problems on a long-term basis.

More research is needed in this regard, but until then there is no harm in making good sleep a habit.

Poor posture and gait

Body posture is very important in this regard, after sitting in a chair, if the shoulders and head are bent forward, the stress on the muscles and joints increases while they become fatigued.

So keep your back straight and avoid slouching your shoulders.

Ignore the pain

When you exercise, you need more strength.

Of course, it is normal for muscles to become inflamed and sore from exercise, but it is not normal for the problem to persist for several days or for the muscles to become excessively inflamed.

Joint pain should be noticed if it is not common.

If the pain persists, consult a doctor.

Spending too much time in front of the computer

It can cause neck stiffness, elbows, wrists, back and shoulders can also be painful.

This is not only a problem of incorrect sitting posture, but also a result of sitting in the same posture for too long.

As a result, the muscles have to work more than necessary, increasing the pressure on the back discs. It is better to get up and walk for a few minutes every hour.

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