Latest NewsFlood Risk: India's release of water into Ravi and Sutlej

Flood Risk: India’s release of water into Ravi and Sutlej

The Punjab Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) says there is a flood risk due to India’s release of water into the Ravi and Sutlej rivers.

The Punjab Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has issued a high alert of possible floods in the province.

According to PDMA spokesperson, between July 8 and 10, there is a possibility of very high level of flood in Jhelum, Sutlej, Ravi and Chenab rivers.

PDMA has issued a high alert to Deputy Commissioners and provincial departments in this regard.

The alert has directed that all arrangements be made to deal with the floods.

On the other hand, Monsoon rains are continuing across Punjab including Lahore.

Due to the heavy rains, water has accumulated in different areas and the flood situation is also being faced.

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