Latest NewsJohnson & Johnson stop selling baby powder globally in 2023

Johnson & Johnson stop selling baby powder globally in 2023

Johnson & Johnson (J&J) will stop selling talc-based baby powder globally in 2023, the drug maker said on Thursday, more than two years afterwards it ended U.S. sales of a product that sketched thousands of consumer safety lawsuits.

In a statement on Friday, the company publicized the discontinuation of the manufacture and sale of the product, target of thousands of judicial actions, US media reported.

Talc-based powder no longer sold in the United States and Canada as of 2020. J&J faces thousands of lawsuits from women who report having developed ovarian cancer subsequently regular use of the product, which comprises asbestos.

The dust extracted from the earth in layers close to asbestos, a material recognized to cause cancer. In 2018, a jury from the City of St. Louis (USA) fined Johnson & Johnson $4.7 billion, condemning the company of negligence for failing to inform consumers about the potential health risks caused by the product.

Even after determining to close sales, the company reaffirms its confidence in the safety of talc. In Friday’s declaration, the company said that “the position on the safety of talc remains unchanged.”

“We firmly behind decades of independent scientific analysis of medical experts around the world that confirm Johnson’s Baby Powder is safe,”

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