LifestyleMen's anger decreases when women cry, study reveals

Men’s anger decreases when women cry, study reveals

A recent study revealed that Men’s anger decreases when women cry.

According to a New York Post report, a recent study by the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel revealed that a chemical compound found in human tears emits a signal that activates certain areas of the brain brings deficiency which makes men angry.

To do this experiment, the researchers showed women a film based on an emotional story that made them cry while their tears were collected. While 31 men were asked to play a computer game that was unfairly scored. It was designed to make men angry by making deductions.

When this group of men got angry while playing a game, some of the men were sniffed with saline solution and some of the men were sniffed with tears collected by the women.

During the study, it was concluded that men who smelled the collected tears of women showed a 43.7% reduction in anger and aggression.

After this result came out, CT scans of the brains of these men revealed that the activity of certain parts of the brain of men who smelled tears was reduced by the smell of tears, which causes anger and aggression in humans.

The researchers predicted the presence of similar chemical signals in the tears of men and children that they found in the tears of women.

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The researchers also reported that young children who cannot speak often reduce their parents’ anger by crying.

Research has indicated that crying is a human behavior that can be used to reduce aggression or anger in youth and to protect oneself in situations when one feels vulnerable to the person in front.

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