Latest NewsPakistan rejected that Airspace used for United States Drone raid

Pakistan rejected that Airspace used for United States Drone raid

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan categorically rejected reports that its airspace used for a United States drone raid in Kabul that killed al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri.

The United States killed Zawahiri with a missile fired from a drone although he stood on a balcony at his Kabul hideout on Sunday, US officials said, in the major blow to the militants since US Navy SEALS shot dead Osama bin Laden more than a decade ago.

“I would refer you to the statement that we have issued (earlier) on this incident, and that is our stated position. There is no evidence of this action undertakes using Pakistan’s airspace, so this is something that I can add to that,” the spokesperson said at the Foreign Office throughout the weekly media conference.

In its previous statement on August 2, the spokesman issued an unclear declaration on the US drone strike, saying that Pakistan stands by disputing terrorism in agreement with international law and relevant UN resolutions.

There is no mention of al-Zahawiri and he made no mention of Pakistan’s airspace not used.

“As I said, our statement contains what we had to say. Our (earlier) statement needs to mentioned in its totality. We said that Pakistan stands by countering terrorism in accordance with international law and relevant UN resolutions. So that’s a very clear statement,” the spokesperson says.

While discussing to various UN resolutions on countering terrorism, he pointed out that there are numerous international requirements under these resolutions.

“Regarding al-Qaeda, I think it is clear that it is a terrorist entity, which listed under the UN Security Council sanctions regime and states under obligation to take actions that prescribe by the UN Security Council.”

“As you know, Pakistan has in the past, taken resolute actions and supported the efforts of the international community in fighting terrorism and particularly, you know, some of the notable success against al-Qaeda was possible because of Pakistan’s role and contribution,” he said.

The initial rejection of Pakistan’s airspace used came from the Minister of Interior Rana Sanaullah on Wednesday.

The Taliban have said the government had no information about al-Qaeda leader “entering and living” in the capital city Kabul and warned the United States to not ever repeat an attack on Afghan soil.

“The government and the leadership not aware of what is being claimed, nor any trace there,” Suhail Shaheen, the designated Taliban demonstrative to the United Nations, who is built in Doha, said in a declaration.

“Investigation is underway now to find out about the veracity of the claim,” he said, accumulation that the consequences of the investigation shared publicly.

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