BlogWorld's tallest female faces unusual difficulties

World’s tallest female faces unusual difficulties

The World’s tallest female from the American state of Texas, Maci Currin, has the longest legs in the world.

According to foreign media, Maci Currin is 21 years old and has a height of 6 feet 10 inches, with one foot measuring 53.3 inches and the other 52.8 inches.

Due to this unusual height, she faces difficulties in her daily life.

According to foreign media, the 21-year-old young woman is also viral on social media for being the woman with the longest legs in the world, and her name is also listed in the Guinness World Records.

Maci Currin has received mixed reactions from people on social media, often with hateful comments, but Maci Currin doesn’t mind the negative comments and says she likes her long legs and unique personality.

“Nobody’s like me,” McCrane says. I didn’t like being the tallest in my school, when I was in second grade someone asked me if I was a middle schooler while playing outside because I was tall.

The young woman says that she faces difficulties in purchasing clothes and many other matters.

According to foreign media, Maci Currin wants to empower women with abnormal bodies.

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